Blog Archives

‘Heaven to a Speck’, an intro-2

Hello again

To all of my reading-avid, kind booklovers!!

If you have come back to read this Introduction once again, it means that you were, one way or the other, touched by the first part of it!

Rest assured that more than a thousand A4 pages in English, expressing my ideas, feelings, & hopes, spanning more than twenty years of active Anglophone writing, will, one day or the other, follow my first book–scheduled for publication in the forthcoming summer-to the printing press!!

But for the time being, however, I want to refresh your collective memories as to the question I asked all of you at the very onset of my first blog, has “any of you, thousands, millions, or even hundreds of millions… felt … Heaven before, ‘Heaven as something encompassing, yet containing Matter, much in the way The Wise Spirit defines yet is not defined by Matter”??!!

The theme of that previously asked question, identified by me as ‘Spirituality vs. Matter’[1], is discussed lengthily in my soon-to-be-published book that I am seeking to publicize through this Blog Post.

And, whether that question has or has not alienated you to this new author (who happens to be a published Poet in the U.S.A., since 2003), and, before you answer it, let me save you the trouble of replying to it by establishing the three aims of this introductory text, “Heaven to a Speck, an Intro-1 & -2, as follows:

  1. [For the GENERAL AUDIENCE:] Announcing myself to the International Public, and wishing to find that, as I hope, my Philosophy, ‘Mystical Romanticism’, now that I am about to have my first book released, has helped people getting a better appreciation of ‘The Eden that God has put since Eternity into each of our Hearts’.
  2. [For the INTERESTED READERS:] Announcing the imminent publication of my Novelette to the World, and hoping to get any kind of feedback from them, prior to, during, and after the publication date, estimated to be at the beginning of the summer of 2012. For interested readers, the Novelette is called “The Most Perfect Christmas”. It is the first part of a seven-part Novel called “Heaven to a Speck”. Captions from the Novelette are being prepared for ‘public display’, which will probably be made on numerous ‘Author Platforms’, including, but surely not limited to, this one (WP).
  3. [For the REALLY, REALLY INTERESTED READERS, or quasi-fans:] Announcing that regardless of the fact that the Novelette-to-be-published is the first out of 30, yes, thirty volumes, (by the same author) that are currently available for publication in my own electronic database, I have a Spiritual message to hand over to you, one especially designed to offset particularly the Dramatic effects of the Behavior of a harmful, envious Society: NEVER EVER GIVE UP BEING WHAT YOU ARE. The Reason for its delivery is that all of the Creative, Literary, Linguistical, & Scientific Fecundity of the author of the lines you are reading, as briefly portrayed before your eyes in this short introduction, did not prevent the backward society to which I am currently forced to belong, from PERSECUTING, TORMENTING, & even ELIMINATING my own Life away, till my Life was more like Death than Life-like!!

Next Sunday, April 29th, if all goes according to my plan, my third Post in this Blog, will introduce really interested readers to all currently available information on “The Publisher” of my book, & Publishing Related Matters. That post is called, “Novelette Purchasing Information in detail”.

N.B: if, for any reason, the blog is not published on that date, then I expect it to be posted soon afterwards. It is more than half written; however, matters of communication between me & the publisher may (or may not) prevent me from posting it on the 29th.

Hoping to hear from you soon,


[1] The author wishes to apologize for the three occurrences of the word ‘Matter’: I do not like to repeat terms in my written texts. However, there are, specifically with respect to the meaning I wish to use the expression in, within the English Language, no acceptable synonyms of it, especially semantically akin to it.